If you have any questions regarding when your pick up is scheduled, you can contact us directly. The schedules vary each semester due to student worker schedules.
Email [email protected] with questions or emergency pickup requests.
Q: How do I recycle electronics?
A: Email [email protected] & put "Surplus/Obsolete Equipment" in the subject line. Also, make sure to label items as E-waste. Note: These requests are specifically for faculty and staff only.
Q: How do I dispose of cardboard boxes?
A: Email [email protected] with pickup requests. Please make sure all boxes are broken down and stacked neatly.
Drain liquids before recycling.
Recycle paper, cardboard and chipboard boxes in separate bins to keep them dry and clean.
Flatten cardboard boxes to make room for more.
No paper coffee cups or lids.
No foil packaging like chip bags of snack bars.
No napkins, paper towels, tissues, or food-soiled paper plates or containers.
No utensils.
Shredding shortens paper fibers, reducing the number of times paper can be recycled.
Only shred sensitive documents. Don't just shred the whole pile.
For all other paper, recycle normally in paper recycle bins.
No carbon paper (contamination)
No plastic (contamination)
Paperclips & staples are OK
Tape & labels are OK