Read the steps below in "How to Get Started in the SMC Organic Learning Garden" and download the application:
Step 1: Read the rules and regulations.
Step 2: Attend a Club Grow meeting on Tuesdays at 11.15am and ask for garden tour from one of the student leaders. This will help you learn more about the garden. If that time does not work for you, alternatively, you can contact the Sustainability Center to arrange a tour.
Step 3: Complete and submit a garden plot application with a completed group roster (minimum 5 participants) to Ferris Kawar at the SMC Sustainability Center.
Step 4: If your plot application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email confirming your roster and contact info and detailing next steps.
Step 5: Attend a mandatory Garden Orientation with one of the garden advisors. Minimum 3 group members must attend, all group members should attend if possible. Print the waiver form. Bring signed waiver form to group orientation. All members of the group are required to sign the form. During the orientation you will get to know your plot and begin improving the soil.
Step 6: Bring any additional waivers and planting ideas to the Garden Orientation. Please note that a waiver must be signed by every member working in the garden. The purpose of the Organic Learning Garden is to learn to grow food and plants should be SEASONAL, EDIBLE, and ORGANIC.
Step 7: Join the SMC Garden Facebook page.
Step 8: GET GROWING! Consultations are always available if you have questions. Someone from Club Grow or the Garden Managers can help you get started.
SMC OLG/Club Grow Meetings and Work Days:
Tuesday: 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Organic Learning Garden Contacts:
To request a tour or garden information, contact:
Student Garden Manager s[email protected]
Ferris Kawar - SMC Sustainability Manager
[email protected]
OLG Student Manager
Helpful Resources: