Gender Equity Center

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Check back for updated events each April

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). At Santa Monica College (SMC), our goal has always been to provide support for survivors of sexual assault as well as raising community awareness about sexual harassment, crime, and abuse and educate communities on how to prevent it.  SAAM prevention is only achieved through commitment, change, equity, and respect

During this time, we want the SMC community to know they are not alone. While sexual violence does not just occur only in the month of April, we annually provide a special focus to spotlight the issues.

Below are on ground and virtual events, workshops, trainings, and resources to provide support, education, and virtual gatherings for survivors of sexual assault and all those who are allies. If you have any requestion and/or need support, please reach out to Vina Chin (primary), Human Resources Analyst, [email protected], 310-434-8071, and Karen Monzon, Employee and Labor Relations, [email protected], 310-434-4942.

April 2024 Events

Tuesday, April 2
Beyond Sex Toolbox Series Workshop: Consent and Intimate Partner Violence

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. 
Location: Zoom

In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month which occurs in April, we want to discuss consent and intimate partner violence. Movements like #MeToo are empowering people to speak out about sexual harassment and sexual assault. This session will cover consent, sexual assault, and other emerging issues such as intimate partner violence.

Tuesday, April 16
Giving Voice to Our Emotions Poetry Workshop

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. 
Location: Student Equity Center

Poetry workshop inviting you to pay attention to your body and to write guided by your somatic sensations. Sexual trauma disconnects us from our bodies, and our healing journey often involves re-engaging with this part of ourselves, specifically with our emotions. If emotions aren’t processed and released, they’ll stagnate and resurface. The workshop will focus on how you can use poetry to start befriending your feelings and see them as helpful guides, not something to resist.

Tuesday, April 23
Beyond Sex Toolbox Series Workshop: Understanding Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions: Examples and Impact

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. 
Location: Zoom

This is part one of a two-part series related to Understanding Unconscious and Conscious Bias. Our brains are wired to recognize patterns and make generalizations that often bias our judgements that can often result in subtle forms of prejudice and microaggressions. It is important we address these biases and become more self-aware, especially when they can negatively affect our views about other people because of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, weight, level of ability, etc.

Thursday, April 25
Embracing our Body’s Sacred Love Language: An Aromatherapy Workshop

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.

Location: Student Equity Center

In this workshop we identify and understand our body’s reactions to trauma and stress as a sacred teaching, a love language. We will learn how herbs and herbal remedies can be practical tools to support you and your body through feelings of anxiety, depression, uneasiness, and stress as you navigate the world.
*The workshop is limited to 30 attendees* 

Tuesday, April 30
Beyond Sex Toolbox Series Workshop: Supporting Survivors of Trauma

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Location: Zoom

This workshop will provide you tools to apply a “trauma-informed” framework when responding to survivors, including what to say and how to actively seek to decrease re-traumatization with students and colleagues and prevent secondary trauma.

Wednesday, April 24
Denim Day: Wear Denim +Art + Empowerment in honor of Denim Day

Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Location: SMC Art Department Complex (RM 118)

Join Art Therapist and SMC Alumni Saba Harouni alongside SMC’s Art department for an evening of food and art making. To commemorate Denim Day, we invite you to explore your inner voice and healing strategies through making and building art. Everyone participating will work on their own art pieces and can contribute to a larger dialogue as a group building a quilt of denim swatches. Denim, Materials, Food, Refreshments & More will be provided.

For more information contact Emily Silver, Art faculty [email protected]  | Other Denim Day Activities

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Beyond Sex Toolbox Series Workshop: Understanding When Biases can Lead to Unlawful Conduct

Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Location: Zoom

This is part two of a series related to Understanding Unconscious and Conscious Bias. This workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the various forms of biases, and how they can evolve into behaviors that may violate the law. You will be provided with knowledge and tools to be more self-aware, and with information and resources regarding your rights and how to report inappropriate and/or unlawful conduct. 

*If you need accommodations to participate in any event or workshop listed, please contact the Center for Students with Disabilities at [email protected] or 310-434-4265 at least 5 business days prior to the event.

Other Activities

Attend a SAAM Event: Join from anywhere!

Stay connected and engaged any time by checking out the events below.

Meditation, Yoga and Mindfulness

In Honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Ground and breathe your way into a gentle and peaceful practice in the healing power of meditation, yoga and mindfulness.

Click to Join the Meditation, Yoga and Mindfulness Activities

Empowerment Self Defense Training

Click to Request an Empowerment Self Defense Training

Peace Over Violence is offering Empowerment Self-Defense courses. They provide psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training. Instructors utilize two cameras via Zoom–one for audio and one to display full range of motion for body movement throughout the class.

Virtual self-defense classes can be provided in English and Spanish.

Scavenger Hunt

SAAM 101 Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Get involved in Sexual Assault Awareness Month by hosting a scavenger hunt where you’ll learn how we can all work together in building safe online spaces together free of harassment and abuse. National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

Heal through Coloring

More coloring pages can be found here

More Ways to Get Involved

Host a SAAM Event: Choose an event to host or create your own.

Spread the word on social media: Check out social media guidance, graphics, and gifs to help make your voice heard.

Donate to your local rape crisis center or an organization that provide services to survivors in your area. You can also consider supporting NSVRC’s work to create safer communities and help survivors.

Join a Blog

SAAM Blogs

Check out some of the blogs below:

  1. Preventing Online Sexual Victimization of People with Developmental Disabilities
  2. Bystander Intervention Online
  3. Don't be a Noob - Talk to Boys About Online Safety
  4. We Can Build Healthy Social Norms Online
  5. Reentry into a Digital World
  6. We Can End Digital Victim-Blaming: How to Support Survivors of Sexual Violence Online
  7. Five Offline Strategies to Build ‘Sexual Citizenship’ Online
  8. Five Takeaways from the First-Ever Completely Virtual SAAM
  9. Six Ways You Can Support Survivors Online During SAAM
  10. Start at Home: Modeling Healthy Behaviors Keeps Kids Safe
  11. This Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Remember Incarcerated Survivors
  12. Sexual Violence: We Know How to Stop It

I want to do more at SMC

SMC has student clubs

Visit the Gender Equity Center website to find out about these student clubs

Join one of the Student Equity Center Advisory Groups

  • Gender Equity Center
  • Racial Justice Center
  • Pride Center
  • Dream resource Center

For more information contact Valeria Garcia Project Manager at [email protected] 

If you need to talk to someone

For Students

For Employees

Other Confidential Support Services/Hotlines -- 24/7 and Free

Advice and Self Care

Any questions about the events or resources contact

Vina Chin (primary)
Human Resources Analyst
[email protected]

Karen Monzon
Employee and Labor Relations
[email protected]