Explore Latino Center & Adelante Program
Imagine a community that understands and supports Latinx first-generation college students, students who have immigrant parents or are immigrants themselves. Also, imagine a community that is ready and willing to support your dreams and aspirations. The Latino Center/Adelante Program is that community for YOU. The Latino Center/Adelante Program is an academic support program that provides a structured counseling and academic experience that fosters academic achievement, cultural awareness, and personal growth.
Connect with Latino Center and Adelante Program Student Support
Latino Center Hours of Operation and Contact Information
Latino Center counselors are invested in our students personal, academic, and overall wellbeing. We are committed to supporting our students success! Latino Center counselors offer a variety of academic and transfer counseling. To schedule an appointment, students are able to set up their own appointment on Corsair Connect or email us at [email protected].
Hours of Operation
Monday- Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm (in person), 8am-5pm (for any inquiries via phone/email)
Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm (remotely)
Phone: 310-434-4459
Latino Center Career Counseling
Latino Center career counselor offers assistance and resources in the following; a) major and career exploration b) resume and cover letter development c) job interviewing and employment d) and teaches Latino Center Career Success course, Counseling 12. To schedule an appointment, email us at [email protected].
Latino Center Tutoring
Currently, Latino Center offers math tutoring. For more information please check out our student services building tutoring site for our tutoring schedule.
Gateway to Persistence and Success (GPS)
SMC's GPS (Gateway to Persistence and Success) is an online platform to support student success and retention. Faculty can proactively reach out to students to get them involved and supported in their academic success. Students can access Support Services, Counseling, Tutoring, and other services more quickly than the existing channels of support on campus.
Thrive with Latino Center and Adelante Program Navigation Tools
Utilize these tools to successfully navigate the Latino Center and Adelante Program services and resources.