Test Proctoring
If recommended as an appropriate accommodation on your Academic Accommodation Plan, this option offers a quiet, non-distracted environment, with extra time if indicated.
Priority Registration
You may qualify for priority registration for an upcoming semester as a student of the Learning Disabilities Program. Inquire with an LD Learning Specialist for further information.
Volunteer Note takers
This is an option for students who have difficulty listening and taking notes at the same time. Tape recording lectures is also an option, but it is also possible to request the assistance of a student in the class who is a good note taker and is willing to volunteer. Contact your learning specialist for more information.
E-text and Audio Books
This is an excellent resource for students who have reading difficulties. Discuss with your learning specialist. Click here for more information about Learning Ally.
Contact your learning specialist to discuss needs. The LD program has help available primarily in Math and English. Availability of tutors and subjects offered vary each semester. Please note that there are many options available on campus for Tutoring. For more information on tutoring centers on campus, please visit: Tutoring Services
High Tech Training Center
Assistive technology training, word-processing classes, computer-assisted instruction, introduction to the internet, tools for success in SMC coursework! There are also "open lab times" to get help or work on an assignment.
Academic Advisement
See counselors at Center for Students with Disabilities (Student Services, 1st Floor). You may reach them at [email protected] or call 310-434-4265
On/off Campus Referrals
Based on your needs, the learning specialist will refer you to another student service on campus or a practice off campus.
Study Strategy Class
Courses led by the LD Learning Specialists that go over topics such as Memory, Textbook, or Test-Taking Strategies.
Click the link Guide to LD Services for more detailed information on how to access these support services.