Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) – Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student’s Rights
Right to have an equal opportunity in classroom learning, out of the classroom learning, and student activities.
Right to refuse to explain to the instructor the kind of disability you have.
Right to know why a request for an interpreter or captioner was not accommodated.
Right to provide feedback about interpreter or captioner’s performance or professionalism to improve or strengthen services.
Right to immediately contact the DSPS Office located in Student Services Bldg. 101 or the Interim DHH supervisor, Denise Henninger, if a service provider fails to show-up for an assignment. Every effort will be made to locate a substitute service provider, but there is no guarantee.
DHH 310-434-4497 or
Text Denise Henninger at (818) 570-3813
Email [email protected] or
Video Phone (424) 238-1642 or
DSPS 310-434-4265
Student’s Responsibilities
Students Rights and Responsibilities
Responsibility to meet with a DSPS counselor to initially request services each semester and to participate in the development of a Student Educational Contract.
Responsibility to request for additional or change of services using the Online Service Request Form at the SMC Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services.
Responsibility to attend class on time or get information about what you missed from the instructor or fellow students. If you are more than 20 minutes late for a class or interpreting assignment, the service provider is expected to leave. If the service provider has left, you should go to the DSPS office to check if a service provider is available.
Responsibility to inform the DSPS office or the DHH supervisor at least 24 hours in advance if you are going to be absent or late. After two absences in a single class without prior notification, we will not provide services to the subsequent classes unless you specifically request a re-instatement of services and confirm your plan to attend classes.
Responsibility to question your instructor through the service provider if you do not understand the book, outside assignments, or what is happening in class.
Responsibility to send a copy of your schedule to the DSPS office at the time you enroll.
Responsibility to request a service provider as soon as you find out about field trips, group assignments, special activities, etc. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request, but DSPS cannot guarantee a service provider with less than three days notice for on-campus events and less than ten days notice for off campus events.
Responsibility to immediately inform the DSPS office of any changes to room or building location, changes to schedule meeting times, withdrawal from class, additions to classes, etc. through use of the online request at the SMC Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services.
Responsibility to immediately inform the DSPS office when a requested service provider did not arrive.
Responsibility to provide the signs you prefer to your interpreter. Meetings before class to establish signs with interpreter are strongly encouraged.
Responsibility to discuss your preferred style of communications with your interpreter. Let the interpreter know if you prefer more or less ASL, English, finger spelling, lip reading, etc.
Responsibility to be respectful to the service provider at all times and not to have personal or side conversations unrelated to course content with the service provider during class.
Responsibility to bring any concerns about your services to the attention of the DSPS office in a timely manner.