Student Support

Become an SI Leader


Benefits of Becoming an SI Leader

  • Letter of recommendation for a job, scholarship, or transfer to a 4-year institution.
  • Improved presentation skills, classroom management skills, and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent experience for future teachers, managers, or any position in leadership.
  • Excellent experience for students pursuing a graduate degree.

Job Description

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leaders facilitate out-of-class interactive study sessions to help students learn course concepts, prepare for exams, and learn effective study skills. The SI Program is an academic assistance program that hires SMC students to facilitate out-of-class, peer-facilitated study sessions to help students succeed in selected classes. SI Leaders facilitate sessions to help students learn course concepts, learn effective study skills, and prepare for exams.


  • SI Leaders are paid $17.27 per hour (Starting Jul 1, 2024).
  • Work approximately 10 to 15 hours a week per class.
  • Work up to 20 hours a week.
  • Earn money for time spent attending the SI class lecture, hosting SI sessions, professor and staff meetings, training sessions and time spent on session preparation.

Job Responsibilities

Class Sessions

  • Attend all class sessions.
  • Take lecture notes at every class session. Make note of professor’s expectations and methods.
  • Take at least the first class exam to learn the professor’s exam style.
  • Assist students during class learning activities.
  • Serve as a “model student” by being punctual, attending every class session, sitting in the front of the classroom, paying attention to class lectures, not leaving class early, and having a positive attitude toward subject matter and academic excellence.
  • Build rapport with all students in the class to encourage them to participate in the SI sessions.
  • Promote SI in the classroom at least once a week (e.g., class announcements, handouts, posters, flyers, etc.).

Outside of Class Sessions: Read and review all assigned course material.

Sl Sessions

  • Conduct two to three SI sessions a week. Hold marathon SI sessions or extra sessions when needed.
  • Create and administer mock or practice exams/essays.
  • Integrate the review of lecture notes, textbook readings, and supplemental materials in SI sessions.
  • Embed learning strategies to help students learn “how to learn” along with “what to learn.”
  • Present collaborative learning strategies to create an active learning environment for student participants.
  • Engage students in collaborative activities that reinforce course content and teach effective academic study skills.
  • Help students refine study/learning skills such as note taking, test preparation, problem-solving, test-taking strategies, etc.
  • Take attendance at every SI session.

Professor Weekly Meetings

  • Meet with a professor at least once every two weeks to discuss the lecture content, textbook readings, homework assignments, upcoming exams/quizzes, and proposed SI session activities/worksheets.
  • Give professor feedback on concepts that students who participate in SI sessions are having a difficult time understanding.

Administrative Duties

  • Submit weekly required paperwork (e.g., timesheets, attendance sheets, session plans, etc.) to the SI Project Manager.
  • Attend all required SI training sessions and staff meetings. (Please note: Training sessions and Staff meetings may take place on Fridays & Saturdays)


Eligibility and Application Information

Important Reminders before filling out the online SI Leader Application:

  1. Students must maintain full-time enrollment status for the entire semester (12+ units) to qualify for employment.
  2. Students must have enough availability and flexibility in their schedule to attend the SI course/lecture every week AND hold three hour-long SI sessions every week.
  3. Students must be available to attend the mandatory SI Training.
  4. Students must be available to attend monthly staff meetings which take place on a Fridays.
  5. Students must have earned a B or higher in the course they would like to serve as the SI Leader for.

How to Apply

We are no longer accepting applications for the Spring 2025 semester.

Please read the job description and qualifications above carefully before submitting an application. 

  1. Log onto Corsair Connect
  2. Go to the tabs on the left side of the screen under "SMC Quick Links"
  3. Scroll down to "SI Employment Application"
  4. Click on the link and fill-out the employee information.
  5. Make sure to press "submit" and the SI Program will contact you.
  6. If you aim to work with a specific professor, it is preferred that the professor contact the SI coordinator via email recommending you for the position.

screenshot of menu that appears in corsair connectscreenshot of SI application link in corsair connect