- Click on the "SMC Waiver Form" link below.
- Enter your SMC username and password.
- Your username is your last, first, and middle name (or a portion of your middle name) in this format: lastname_firstname_middlename.
- Complete and submit the form. Do not forget to attach appropriate documentation.
- Once submitted, you will be prompted to view and download a PDF version of the submitted form. Please save this copy for your records.
Follow the directions above to submit a waiver for the following courses: English, ESL, Math, Anatomy 1, Biology 21, and Chemistry 11. For all other waivers, you will need to contact the appropriate departments.
For general placement questions and/or questions regarding the SMC placement process, please email the [email protected]
The Success and Engagement Center is NOT able to process these requests however directions for waiver requests are included below.
- Anatomy 2, Biology 22, 23, Microbiology 1, Nursing 17, Physiology 3, course prerequisite waivers can only be granted by the Life Sciences Department (a course syllabus may be required).
- Chemistry 12, 21, 22, 24, 31 and Physics 7, 9, 22, 23, 24, course prerequisite waivers can only be granted by the Physical Sciences Department (a course syllabus may be required).
Send waiver requests to [email protected]. Be sure to include scanned transcripts, web links to official course descriptions or course outlines, scanned syllabi (optional but recommended), and anything else you think would assist in verifying your waiver. Make sure to clearly state your waiver request, and include your complete name and SMC student ID#.
If you have questions regarding your waiver request, use the email above or contact the Sciences Department Office located in (SCI 258) at 310-434-4788. You may also contact the appropriate Life Sciences or Physical Sciences Chair with questions about the process.
Upper division courses (Com St 310, Engl 300,IxD 330-470, or Psych 320) are only available to students admitted into the Interaction Design (IxD) B.S. program. For waivers, please contact the CMD Counselor Amanda Garcia at [email protected] or Ashley Adjei at [email protected] for information on applying to IxD, please visit ixd.smc.edu.
If you have completed the prerequisite course at another accredited institution with a grade of ‘C’ or higher, provide the following in an email: a legible copy of your transcript that includes your name and the college name, include your name and your SMC ID number and indicate the specific class you want to enroll in and submit your request via email, see below for specifics.
To request a prerequisite course waiver for Computer Science 20A or 20B please contact the CSIS Department or email the CS department chair. Email: [email protected]
To request a prerequisite course waiver for Early Childhood Education 21 or 22 please contact the Early Childhood Education Department or email the ECE department chair. Email: Gary Huff, [email protected]
To request a prerequisite course waiver waiver for Film 32 or 33 please contact the Communication and Media Studies Department or email the CMD department chair [email protected] or to request the Film 31 Challenge Exam please contact Drew Davis [email protected].
To request a prerequisite course waiver for Acct 6 & 7 please email the Business department at [email protected]. Please note it may take 7-10 days to review Acct 6 & 7 requests.
Placement/prerequisite course waivers will be issued according to the following:
- A score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP English Language & Composition or Composition & Literature exam will qualify you for English 2;
- A score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam will qualify you for Math 8;
- A score of 3 on the AP Calculus BC exam will qualify you for Math 8;
- A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam will qualify you for Math 10, 11, 13, and 15.
- A score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam will qualify a student for Chemistry 11.
Due to high demand, processing can take up to 7 business days. You will receive an email to your SMC email account letting you know the outcome of your waiver.
You can also review your results by going to Corsair Connecthomepage, scroll down and click on "Placement" under "Success Steps."
You may go to the General Counseling Center to request your waiver in person for English, ESL, Math, Anatomy 1, Biology 21, and Chemistry 11.