Safety Videos
Given the unpredictable nature of the pandemic, it is possible that a class would have to pivot online for a week or more of instruction—even for the rest of the term. Please be prepared for that contingency by using Canvas as your hub for student communication, course schedule, and content organization. While we hope that no class is called to pivot online, a strong Canvas shell assists even on-ground students with more effective participation in the content and assessments of the class.
Instructional Continuity
SMC will follow local public health trends and agency guidance throughout the fall term. We will monitor safety on campus and recognize that any positive tests in the classroom could lead to the pivoting of a class section online for any number of weeks. Each potential case will be handled individually according to the latest health and safety guidelines. While we do not expect any class to pivot online, everyone should be prepared for such an event.
Resource Contact List
Risk Management
Contact Risk Management for questions related to safety equipment and safety protocols.
Health Center
Contact the Health Center for questions regarding vaccinations, testing, and COVID
exposure among students ([email protected]).
Human Resources
Contact Human Resources if you test positive for COVID-19 ([email protected]).
Contact the Santa Monica College Police Department for assistance with a student who
refuses to follow safety procedures, at extension x4300 from a campus phone or 310-434-4300.
Academic Affairs
For questions about classroom management, enrollment concerns, or if you aren’t sure
whom to contact, reach out to Academic Affairs ([email protected]).
If you are in urgent need of PPE, please contact Shipping & Receiving Manager Lisa
Davis ([email protected]), at x4477 from a campus phone or 310-434-4477.
Maintenance and Operations
For wipe station refills or other maintenance concerns in the classroom, please contact
Maintenance and Operations, at x4378 from a campus phone or 310-434-4378.