Office Location and Hours:
MC 5
8:50 a.m. - 9:25 a.m.
Email: [email protected]
Professor, Psychology Department
Dissertation Topic / Research Area: General Deviance; Parenting
Year Joined SMC: 2014
I have taught a variety of Undergraduate and Master’s level courses in Psychology, including Introduction to Psychology, Human Lifespan Development, Individual, Couple, and Family Development, Counseling Methods, Child Abuse and Neglect, and Crisis Intervention. I love teaching. I enjoy the process of creating lectures and course content so it can be communicated in a highly interesting and interactive manner, working with students from varied backgrounds, and fostering an interest in the subjects I teach.
I am currently an Associate Research Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA, where I have worked with the same team since 1998. I work part-time as an Investigator for a study housed in the UCLA Center for Culture, Trauma, and Mental Health Disparities. In this capacity, I examine the impact that sociocultural factors, economic status, ethnicity, gender, and cumulative histories of childhood trauma and adversity have on mental and physical health among ethnically diverse samples of men and women. This background in research has provided me with rich opportunities to conceptualize complex relationships among psychological variables, as well as conduct interviews and collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
My pre-doctoral training was focused on conducting psychotherapy with children who were sexually abused and their parents at the San Fernando Child Guidance Clinic as well as families with children who were medically fragile at Children’s Hospital of Orange County.
Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Myers, H. F., Wyatt, G. E., Ullman, J. B., Loeb, T. B., Chin, D., Prause, N. …Slavich, G. M. (in press). Cumulative burden of lifetime adversities: Trauma and mental health in low-SES African Americans and Latino/as. Psychological Trauma.
Loeb, T. B., Holloway, I. W., Galvan, F. H., Wyatt, G. E., Myers, H. F., Glover, D. A. …Liu, H. (2014). Associations between intimate partner violence and posttraumatic stress symptom severity in a multiethnic sample of men with histories of child sexual abuse. Violence and Victims, 29(3), 451-463.
Chin, D., Myers, H. F., Zhang, M., Loeb, T. B., Ullman, J. B., Wyatt, G. E. … Carmona, J. (2014). Who improved in a trauma intervention for HIV-positive women with child sexual abuse histories? Psychological trauma: Theory, research, practice, and policy. Psychological Trauma, 6(2), 152-158. doi:10.1037/a0032180
Loeb, T. B., Gaines, T., Wyatt, G. E., Zhang, M., & Liu, H. (2011). Associations between child sexual abuse and negative sexual experiences and revictimization among women: Does measuring severity matter? Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(11), 946-955.
Sciolla, A., Glover, D. A., Loeb, T. B., Zhang, M., Myers, H. F., & Wyatt, G. E. (2011). Childhood sexual abuse severity and disclosure as predictors of depression among adult African-American and Latina women. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199(7), 471-477. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e31822142ac
Glover, D. A., Loeb, T. B., Carmona, J. V., Sciolla, A., Zhang, M., Myers, H., & Wyatt, G. E. (2010). Childhood sexual abuse severity and disclosure predict posttraumatic stress symptoms and biomarkers in ethnic minority women. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 11, 1-22. doi:10.1080/15299730903502920
Myers, H. F., Sumner, L.A., Ullman, J. B., Loeb, T. B., Carmona, J. V., & Wyatt, G. E. (2009). Trauma and psychosocial predictors of substance use in women impacted by HIV/AIDS. J Behav Health Serv Res, 36(2), 233-246. doi:10.1007/s11414-008-9134-2.
Book chapters
Chin, D., Wyatt, G. E., Carmona, J. V., Loeb, T. B., & Myers, H. F. (2004). Child sexual abuse and HIV: An integrative risk-reduction approach. In L. J. Koenig, L. S. Doll, A. O’Leary, & W. Pequegnat (Eds.), From child sexual abuse to adult sexual risk: Trauma, revictimization, and intervention (pp. 233-250). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Wyatt, G. E., Carmona, J. V., Loeb, T. B., Ayala, A., & Chin, D. (2002). Sexual abuse. In Wingood, G. M., & DiClemente, R.J. (Eds.), Handbook of women’s sexual and reproductive health: Issues in women’s health (pp.195-216). New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.