Student Support

Resolving Holds


​Resolving Holds

Various departments have the ability to place a "Hold" on your student record, which can prevent enrollment, or the requesting of student records such as transcripts or enrollment verifications. These holds are placed for a variety of reasons, but generally mean that the department needs to follow up with you to resolve an issue, or to request some additional information. Not all holds can be addressed by Admissions & Records, please review the chart below and follow up with the applicable department for additional information and instructions. 

Hold Name & Number Department Contact Instructions 
1. Records Office Hold  Admissions & Records There is a possible discrepancy in data reported on your student record, follow up with Admissions & Records for instructions on resolving.
2. Residency Hold  Admissions & Records Reported changes to your citizenship status, or in state residency status, have been detected on your most recent application. Follow up with Admissions & Records for instructions about what documents you must provide. 
3. Library Hold Library Contact the Library for more information. 
4. Emergency Loan Hold Auxiliary Services Contact Auxiliary Services for more information. 
5. Financial Aid Hold Financial Aid Contact Financial Aid for more information. 
6. Bookstore Hold Bookstore Contact the Bookstore for more information
7. Business Office Hold Auxiliary Services Contact Auxiliary Services for more information. 
8. Bad Check Hold Auxiliary Services Contact Auxiliary Services for more information. 
10. PE Office Hold Kinesiology & Athletics Contact Kinesiology for more information 
12. Dean of Adm & Recs Hold Dean of Admissions & Records Email [email protected] from your student email account to set up an appointment with the Dean of Enrollment Services. 
14. IEC Hold  International Education Center Contact IEC for more information.  
17. Intl Counseling Hold International Counseling Center Contact International Counseling for more information.  
18. Credit Card Hold Cashier's Office Contact Cashier's Office for more information 
19. Transcript Hold Admissions & Records There is an issue preventing the release of your academic transcript, please contact Admissions & Records for more information.  
20. Double Number Hold  Admissions & Records Admissions & Records have detected that you have more than one student record, a hold has been placed so that the duplicate account(s) can be merged into a single record. Contact Admissions & Records for a timeline as to when the issue will be resolved.  
21. Auxiliary Services Hold Auxiliary Services Contact Auxiliary Services for more information. 
22. Disciplinary Hold Student Judicial Affairs Contact Student Judicial Affairs for more information.  
26. Assessment Hold Success & Engagement Center Contact the Success and Engagement Center for more information.  
27. IEC Non-Pay Hold International Education Center Contact IEC for more information.  
28. Under 18 Hold Admissions & Records College students that have been admitted to a semester that begins prior to their 18th birthday are required to provide proof of high school completion before they can enroll in courses. Please request that your official high school transcripts, or acceptable equivalency, be sent to the Admissions & Records Office. More detailed instructions can be found here.
33. CalWORKS Hold CalWORKs Contact CalWORKS for more information 
34. Suspension Hold Student Judicial Affairs Contact Student Judicial Affairs for more information.   
35. EOPS Dept. Hold EOPS Contact EOPS for more information  
36. IEC Address Hold  International Education Center Contact IEC for more information.  
37. IEC Immigration Hold International Education Center Contact IEC for more information.  
38. DSPS Hold Center for Students with Disabilities Contact the Center for Students with Disabilities for more information.  
41. Records Hold: SSN Admissions & Records  A discrepancy in the Social Security Number provided on your application has been detected. Please complete the Change Request Form to provide proof of the correct information and resolve the hold. 
42. Records Hold: DOB Admissions & Records A discrepancy in the date of birth provided on your application has been detected. Please complete the Change Request Form to provide proof of the correct information and resolve the hold.  
43. Records Hold: Name Admissions & Records A discrepancy in the name provided on your application has been detected. Please complete the Change Request Form to provide proof of the correct information and resolve the hold.  
44. Expulsion Hold Student Judicial Affairs Contact Student Judicial Affairs for more information.   
45. Bad Address Hold Admissions & Records Admissions & Records was unable to validate the address on your application, this could be the result of a typo or incorrect formatting of the address. Please complete the Change of Address form to provide your current address to resolve the hold.  
48. Online Discipline Hold Student Judicial Affairs Contact Student Judicial Affairs for more information.