


For all questions, please contact the DE Team at [email protected]

Tammara Whitaker, Ed.D. - Associate Dean, Online Services & Support, Distance Education Department

Dr. Whitaker is the lead and point person for all department policy & procedure.

Ashley Eutsey, M. Ed. - Senior Online Learning Services Specialist-Distance Education

Ashley handles the daily administrative tasks within Canvas course shells. Additionally, she serves as the learning management system administrator, addressing user concerns and resolving issues to maintain a smooth Canvas experience. Furthermore, she acts as the primary contact for any inquiries related to Distance Education (DE).

Christine Miller, B.A. - Instructional Media Specialist

Christine handles online and on-ground faculty Canvas LMS Training as well as educational technology tools integrated within Canvas. Additionally, faculty who wish to add audio/video/multimedia elements to their course design should contact her for a one-on-one consultation to discuss implementation.

Matt Larcin, M.A. - Instructional and Universal Designer

Matt enhances online education quality and accessibility through thoughtful course design. He collaborates with faculty, staff, and administrators to create engaging, inclusive learning experiences for diverse students. Matt fosters an effective, inclusive learning environment that supports varied student needs and success. Leveraging instructional design, he enhances teaching and learning at Santa Monica College.

Willis Barton, B.A. - Online Learning Services Specialist

Willis interacts with the students exclusively and helps them by answering questions and/or pointing the student in the right direction for assistance.