Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences Prerequisite Waivers


Chemistry and Physics Prerequisite Waiver

Several courses in the Physical Sciences Department, listed in the table below, require that you complete a prerequisite course.

Chemistry Prerequisites

Prerequisite Course
Chem 10 Chem 11
Chem 19 Physiology 3, Microbiology 1, 
Chem 11 Chem 12
Chem 12 Chem 21
Chem 21 Chem 22
Chem 22 * Chem 24

Physics Prerequisites

Prerequisite Course
Physcs 6 Physcs 7
Physcs 8 Physcs 9
Physcs 21 Physcs 22
Physcs 21 Physcs 23
Physcs 21 Physcs 24

Engineering Prerequisites

Prerequisite Course
Physcs 21 Engr 12
Engr 12 Engr 16
Physcs 22 Engr 21
Engr 21 * Engr 22

Items marked with a * indicate a corequisite, a course that can be taken concurrently.

If you would like to enroll in one of the courses listed in the table above, you must show proof that you have completed the prerequisite course. If you had completed the prerequisite course outside of SMC, please follow these steps to obtain a prerequisite waiver:

Click the "Send Waiver Request" link below and include the following in your email:

  1. Complete name and SMC student ID number.
  2. The SMC course that you would like to enroll in.
  3. Scanned transcripts from the school where the prerequisite was completed.
  4. Syllabus 
  5. Weblinks to official course descriptions or course outlines of the prerequisite course. (optional but recommended)

When all these materials have been received, your waiver request will be processed, usually within two weeks. Once the waiver is approved, you will receive an email notification through your SMC student email address.

Waivers are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please do not email us repeatedly prior to the two-week time frame, as that will not expedite the waiver processing.

If the link below does not work, please send your email to [email protected].

Send Waiver Request