Santa Monica College has developed various educational approaches to serving students with acquired brain injuries. Our students' success rates are such that we encourage anyone with an interest in educational growth to take part in our program.
Types of ABI Classes
The SMC Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Program is designed for the adult who wants to pursue educational and personal development goals. SMC offers two types of opportunities for those with an acquired brain injury:
For-Credit Classes
For credit coursework are available with support services to complete a degree or certificate at SMC or transfer to another accredited higher education institution.
- Classes: Enrollment in the "for credit" pathway includes at least 2 core skills classes such as ABI Strategies, Physical Education, Roadmap to College Readiness, Adapted Computer Training, Career Planning, and Job Search Skills, as well as mainstream academic or vocational courses.
- Support services include assessment of educational limitations and recommended academic adjustments, educational planning, classroom accommodations such as notetakers, modification of testing, audio recording, alternate media, and priority registration.
Noncredit Classes
Noncredit coursework with or without support services are offered to further personal development and/or work towards academic readiness. Enrollment in this pathway may include classes such as:
- ABI Connections to develop personal activities of daily living skills, exploration of community resources, social/cognitive stimulation exercises
- Emeritus Pathfinders classes to maintain physical, communication and cognitive skills
- Adult Education classes focusing on specific job re-entry skills
How to Enroll in the ABI Program
Before beginning the program, a student must meet with an ABI specialist for an intake and review of the student’s current skill level. Students will be provided with recommendations for starting the program in order to foster academic readiness.
Individuals must submit medical verification of an acquired brain injury as well as complete departmental and college applications.
Contact our ABI Specialists, at 310-434-4442 or [email protected] for additional enrollment information.