October 10, 2023
SMC Hosts HBCU Caravan & More This Fall
Beginning with an All-Day Learning Experience on Oct. 19, Public Events Highlighting Pathways to Historically Black Colleges & Universities Also Features an HBCU Caravan/Fair Oct. 26
SANTA MONICA, CA—Santa Monica College (SMC) will host a number of events this fall, free and open to all interested attendees—whether currently enrolled at SMC or not—highlighting pathways available for community college students to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). The events culminate with an “HBCU Caravan”—a college fair featuring HBCUs—on Thursday, Oct. 26, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on The Quad at SMC’s main campus, 1900 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica.
More information about all the events are listed below (complete information and details may also be found at: smc.edu/hbcu):
HBCU Indaba (‘Indaba’ is a word in Zulu and Xhosa cultures that means a “meeting”): A day of learning from HBCU grads and HBCU-trained professionals. SMC Black Collegians counselors will also be on hand to help with the application process. 11:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 19 | Student Services Center Orientation Hall (S183), SMC Main Campus. RSVPs required by Oct. 13.
HBCU Transfer Workshops: Through two virtual workshops, students will learn more about the benefits of attending an HBCU and how SMC students can secure guaranteed admission to a variety of participating institutions. Registration required via smc.edu/hbcu. The virtual workshops will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 24 and Thursday, Nov. 16, both from 3:45 – 5 p.m.
CCC to HBCU Caravan: For the first time, SMC was selected as a host for the “HBCU Caravan”, an HBCU college fair where representatives will answer questions about their academic programs and college life. Some colleges will even provide onsite admissions (interested students must have multiple copies of unofficial transcripts available to share with the representatives). Lunch will be served while supplies last. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 26, The Quad, SMC Main Campus
For more information on HBCU events, visit: smc.edu/hbcu or please email Janet Robinson, SMC Transfer Center Faculty Leader at [email protected].
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